
Shipping antique and vintage dolls to the doll hospital.

Be aware of the value of your doll. Make sure the doll is insured for its replacement value. The doll will be insured for its return to you at the Blue Book Value. Take pictures of the doll before shipment for insurance purposes.

Proper packing of your doll is a must! A disposable baby diaper is ideal for wrapping the head. Protect sleep eyes in bisque dolls by stuffing head with tissue. Use bubble wrap or other light weight material to pad the box. You can use a box in a box to insure proper handling. Mark the box as FRAGILE – DO NOT CRUSH. If in doubt about packing your doll, have the shipping business pack it for you.

ShenValley Doll Hospital and Susan W. Mathias are not responsible for damage to the doll during shipment to the Hospital or on return. If properly packed and insured, this should not be a problem.

Please contact Susan either by Phone or e-mail before shipping your doll to insure that the doll hospital is open.

ShenValley Doll Hospital
13398 Little Dry River Road
Fulks Run, VA 22830
E-mail Susan